Corporate Wellness Services
Offering stress-reduction practices in the workplace is an incredibly effective way to:
Boost employee health and well-being
Reduce stress, anxiety and burnout
Cultivate community and build morale
Increase focus and productivity
And much more!
I offer an array of in-person and virtual Corporate Wellness Services that help people both reduce stress in the short-term, and take away tools and techniques they can draw on for years to come.
My clients range from schools to top scientific labs to local and national governmental groups to nonprofits and beyond.
I work with each organization to develop a customized program that meets their needs and goals, be it a weekly or monthly class, a special session to kick off and set the tone for an annual retreat or strategic meetings, an afternoon of deep reset after a intense work sprint, or even a daylong reset.
My most-requested programs are custom meditation, mindfulness and gentle yoga, but sessions can incorporate any of the following:
Guided meditation
Sound baths (meditation with crystal bowls, chimes, ocean drum, etc.)
Slow flow yoga
Restorative yoga (a resting practice of long-held floor-based poses)
Gentle stretching
Gentle breathing exercises (called"pranayama")
Mindful walking (best practiced outdoors, but can be done inside)
Mindful eating (a *delightful* sensory experience in slowing down!)
Other mindfulness practices
Joyful dance
Laughing yoga (great for team-building!)​
We can also work around a theme such as Self-Care, Easy Ways to Reduce Stress, Relax & Reset, or another idea of your choosing!
Please reach out via the form linked below or email me at info (at) jennymayomindandmove.com to discuss your organization's needs, goals, ideal timing and how I can help design the best program for you! ​
"The mindfulness exercises were a perfect launchpad for our working sessions that followed. We are grateful for your willingness to put together the best possible program for our staff."
-Nonprofit Client,
Washington, DC
"The guided meditation was excellent. I do not meditate regularly and am usually skeptical about my ability to really 'tune out.' But this showed me I can indeed do it and it can be incredibly regenerative."
-Corporate Client,
Washington, DC
Inquire About a Customized Corporate Wellness Session for Your Organization
- Inquire for pricing