Trying to make a healthy habit stick? Whether your intention is to meditate, exercise or engage in another positive choice daily, there are some tried-and-true tools that REALLY help. One of them is an old-school, printed habit tracker. Read more here about why I love them, and download my free printable habit tracker, designed to keep you rooted in your why and positive progress!

Trying to make your meditation practice or other healthy habit stick? If so, there are tried-and-true, scientifically proven tools that can really help those choices take root. I've gathered some of the most powerful tips for solidifying healthy habits here, including making your goal suuuuuper small to start (think too small NOT to do!), and stacking it onto an existing habit.
Among these, it can be extremely helpful to track your practice each month. If you're meditating using an app, for example, most of these have some sort of digital tracking that keeps tabs for us.Â
But I prefer to a good, old-fashioned printed habit tracker (or calendar), like the free one I share below! Here's why:
When placed someplace prominent where you'll see it frequently like your bathroom mirror or fridge, it serves as a repeated reminder to practice.Â
It provides positive visual feedback with each checkmark, making your progress tangible, feeding your confidence and helping you build momentum.Â
It builds in accountability and "gameifies" habit-building by encouraging you not to "break the chain," something even Jerry Seinfeld has discussed as motivating!Â
The habit tracker I designed has checkboxes for each day of the month, plus space to write your goal, your all-important WHY, and some reflections, all aspects the reinforce habit-building.Â
Ready to try it and see if it works for you? Download yours using the below link and print at home!
Try it for a month and let me know how it goes! You can use the form below to share, or DM me on Instagram!